สมาคมดัมมี่ สุดยอดแหล่งเรียนรู้ของคนชอบเล่นดัมมี่ ยินดีต้อนรับ Welcome to Dummy Club: The great site for Thai knock dummy lover ติดต่อ Contact Phone: 0838594567 Email: krujaab@gmail.com สมาคมดัมมี่ สุดยอดแหล่งเรียนรู้ของคนชอบเล่นดัมมี่ ยินดีต้อนรับ Welcome to Dummy Club: The great site for Thai knock dummy lover ติดต่อ Contact Phone: 0838594567 Email: krujaab@gmail.com

Kao Jaab's lifestyle Free and Easy

Thai Knock Dummy Rules


Place and material

1.      Set a table with soft cloth on top for 4 players in private and a standard plastic deck of 52 cards.

Glossary of Thai knock dummy

2.      The following is a glossary of Thai knock dummy.

สี (See) color : Four suits of cards: spades ♠, hearts ♥, diamonds  and clubs ♣ or two colors of cards: black and red.


ตอง (Tong) Set: A set consists of three or four cards of the same rank, such as three Aces, four of a kind 4♠ 4♥ 4♦ 4♣.


เรียง (Riang) Run: A run consists of three or more cards in sequence of the same suit. The cards rank from two lowest to Ace highest, such as 2♦ 3♦ 4♦, 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ or 9♥ 10♥ J♥.


สเปโต (Speto) Speto: Two of clubs 2♣ and queen of spades Q♠ , the most valued special cards, worth 50 points each in counting scores after the end of game and worth double score in the level of losing medium when holding Speto.


หัว (Hua) Head: The first card of the discard pile placed face up after dealing or called upcard. If the Speto is placed as a Head, it is called the Head Speto card หัวสเปโต (Hua Speto).


ดัมมี่ (Dummy) Layoffs:  The cards added to sets or runs previously melded by players or others or so called Dummy in Thai, a matching card game in Thai. ตีดัมมี่ discard dummy.    There are three forms of dummy:

One, The cards added to a run that ascend or descend in order according to their ranks for example, a run of 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ , the dummy of first rank is 5♠ and 9♠, the dummy of second rank is 4♠ and 10♠.

Two, The cards added to a run at third rank and used as the dummy knock for example, a run of 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ , we have 9♠ 10♠ as the dummy and place J♠ face down to knock.

Three, The fourth card of a set for example, three Kings, we add the fourth King as the dummy.


มืด (Mued) Dark gameplay: No collecting any cards from the discard pile at the beginning of game to the ending. Cards in hand never seen.


สว่าง (Sawang) Light gameplay: Picking cards from the discard pile at any turns. Cards seen on the table.


ตัวกันสเปโต (Tuakan Speto) Speto defensive cards: 2♠, 2♥, 2♦, 3♣, 4♣, Q♥, Q♦, Q♣, 10♠, J♠, K♠, A♠  If players discard the defensive card close to the Speto, he must pay the Speto value for all the players to the picker.


ตัวกันหัว (Tuakanhua) Head defensive cards: The related card of the Head card in the same rank or the same suit in first or second consecutive order, for example if the Head card is 7♠ so the Head defensive cards are 7♥ , 7♦ , 7♣ , 6♠ , 5♠ , 8♠ , 9♠. 


ตัวกันหัวสเปโต (Tuakanhuaspeto) The Head Speto defensive card: The Speto defensive card is placed face up as the Head. 


จั่ว, จก (Jua, Jok) Draw: Take up a card from the stock pile.


เกิดเก็บ (Kerd, Keb) Pick or collect: Take up a card from the discard pile.


ลง (Long) Lay down or put down: Place a full meld or dummy in front of a player on the table.


ฝาก (Fak) Lay off: Add dummy to melds.


ตัน (Tan) Dead: Have no further layoffs or dummy added to melds, such as dead sets or four of a kind, dead runs 9♣ 10♣ J♣ Q♣ without dummy 8♣ or K♣ opposite to live (ไม่ตันลงไพ่ชุดตัน lay down dead melds ลงฝากดัมมี่ตัน lay off dead dummy ลงไพ่ชุดเรียงไม่ตัน lay down live runs ลงฝากดัมมี่ไม่ตัน lay off live dummy ผู้ลงฝากดัมมี่ไม่ตัน live dummy layer.


อม (Om) Hold Speto: Keep Speto in hand.


ตีทิ้ง (Tee, Ting) Discard: Throw a card to the discard pile.


ปี้ (Pee) Close: Discard the card close to the card of same rank or the same suit in first or second consecutive order, for example discard 5♦ close to 5♥, 10♠ close to 9♠, 8♠, J♠ and Q♠. ตีปี้ discard the close card.


ค้ำ (Kam) Defend: Discard the Speto defensive card.


ฝัง (Fang) Bury: Discard the Speto defensive card or the safe card that cannot be collected on the top of discard pile.


ไล่ (Lai) Follow: Discard the card close to the right hand discards.


ฆ่า (Ka) Kill: Discard the card close to the Head in order to discard or get Speto.


เต็ม (Tem) Full: Discard the card close to the two cards of the same suit in sequential order or the same numerical rank and make a full meld, such as throwing 8♠ close to  a pair of eights, 8♦ 8♥ forming a set, or throwing 10♦ close to 9♦ J♦ forming a sequence. ตีเต็ม discard the full meld.


โง่ (Ngo) Fool: Discard the fool card that the right player picks it and knock. ตีโง่ discard the fool card ตีโง่มืด discard the fool card to a dark game player ตีโง่สว่าง discard the fool card to a light game player การตีโง่สว่าง  light fool discard การตีโง่มืด dark fool discard.


น็อก (Nok) Knock: End the game by completing all hands with sets or runs or laying off dummy cards and remaining one card face down. Knock without collecting any cards or by collecting cards only once called dark knock (น็อกมืดand dark knock with seven consecutive cards or two runs and a dummy of the same suit called dark color knock (น็อกสีมืด). Knock after having melds on the table called light knock (น็อกสว่างand light knock with all consecutive cards of the same suit on the table and on hand called light color knock (น็อกสีสว่างopposite to light color sleep (ลบสีสว่างall cards in hand and on the table are the same suit after the game ended.


ลบมืด (Lobmued):  Dark sleep: Players are not able to pick up a card from the discard pile to form melds through the game ending, This state is also called หลับสนิท (Labsanit). Dark sleep opposite to dark knock น็อกมืด (Nokmued).


สัมผัส (Sampat) Link: Knock by linking two or more cards and complete hands with a run or a set.


ลอย (Loy) Float: Knock by drawing a card and face down on one's turn.


ข้าม (Kam) Cross: Knock by picking the card of the opposite hand on one's turn.


ชนตึก (Chontuek) Hit a building: Almost knock, make a full meld but there is no card placed face down.


ส่งหอก (Songhok) Send the spear: Discard the card that is expected to be the fool card to another player.


สกัด (Sakad) Block: Pick up the key cards.


คั่ว (Kua) Roast: Wait for the fool card or dummy to knock.


เผา (Pao) Burn: Make a player dark sleep. 


ชน (Chon) Face to face:  Both players play the same gameplay but one can knock the other, for example dark sleep is face to face dark knock, the dark sleeper must pay the face to face value to the dark knocker. It is possible that dark sleep can be face to face with light color knock, and least possible that dark color sleep meets dark color knock face to face.  


เหมาจ่าย (Maojai) Pay the total: Pay every value of gameplay happened for all the players to the knocker for example pay the three levels of losing points and the knock value including the fool, the Speto hold or the face down dummy knock if the knocker gets them.


จ่ายรอบวง (Jairobwong) Pay round: Pay round dummy or full meld value to all the players. จ่ายค่าตีดัมมี่หรือค่าตีเต็มชุดรอบวง


จ่ายแทนขาอื่น (Jaitaenka-uen) Pay for all the players: Pay the Speto value for all the players to the picker. จ่ายค่าสเปโตแทนขาอื่นให้กับผู้เก็บได้


ระดับการเสียแต้ม (Radabkansiataem) Level of losing points: Another kind of values of gameplay, there are three levels of losing points : lose less เสียน้อย (Sianoi), lose medium เสียกลาง (Siaklangand lose more เสียมาก (Siamak).


ค่าการเล่น (Kakanlen) Values of gameplay: Cards or melds worth 1 time or double at the level of medium loss happened in a gameplay, both positive and negative points the players get or lose: Head (ค่าหัว), Speto (ค่าสเปโต), Speto hold (ค่าอมสเปโต), knock (ค่าน็อก), fool (ค่าโง่), dummy discard (ค่าตีดัมมี่), full meld discard (ค่าตีเต็มชุด), close discard (ค่าตีปี้), faced down dummy knock (ค่าคว่ำดัมมี่น็อกand faced down Speto knock (ค่าคว่ำสเปโตน็อกThe losers may pay the values of gameplay more than 1 time to the winner. These values of gameplay include the face to face (ค่าชน), the color knock (ค่าน็อกสี), the total (ค่าเหมาจ่าย), the loser must pay four or eight times or more at the level of more loss.         


ระดับการเล่น (Radabkanlen) Level of gameplay: There are many levels of gameplay in Thai knock dummy according to the player's skills. The level of gameplay is related to the level of losing points, for example, the Zian level is designed at the level of losing points: 100 - 200 - 300, while the Kotra Zian level is designed at the level of losing points: 200 - 300 - 400.




ขาบน (Kabon) The left hand opponent.


ขาล่าง (Kalang)The right hand opponent.


ขาตรงข้าม (Katrongkam) The opposite hand opponent.


ขาสุดท้าย (Kasudtai) The last hand opponent: the player who draws the last card.


ผู้น็อก (Poonok) The knocker.


ผู้ลบมืด (Poolobmued) The dark sleeper.


ผู้ลบสีสว่าง (Poolobseesawang) The light color sleeper.


ผู้เล่นมืด (Poolenmued) The dark game player.


ผู้ตี (Pootee) The discarder or the thrower.


ผู้ตีโง่ (Pootee-ngo) The fool discarder.


ผู้ตีเต็ม (Pooteetem) The full meld discarder.


ผู้ตีปี้ (Pooteepee) The close discarder.


ผู้อมสเปโต (Poo-om Speto) The Speto holder.


ผู้ฝากไพ่ (Poofakpai) , ผู้ลงไพ่ (Poolongpai) The layer.


ผู้เก็บไพ่ (Pookebpai), ผู้เกิดไพ่ (Pookerdpai) The picker or the collector.


ผู้กินแต้ม (Pookintaem) The highest scorer: The player who makes the highest score - no knockers at the end of game

 How to play

3.  The game is played by 4 players. Seven cards are dealt counterclockwise. The top card of the remainder of the deck is placed face up as the Head card or called upcard. The dealer draws a card or collect a card and discard one card to end his turn. The player to the dealer's right plays the same by taking a card from the stock or from the discard pile and ends the turn with one card discarded. The turn to play rotates around the table counterclockwise from player to player.


Each player must try to meld cards into sets or runs by drawing or collecting cards or laying off dummy cards. The player who first gets rid of all unmatched cards and completes all hands with melds or dummy cards and has one card remaining to discard face down, this is called knock, makes the game end. He is a winner and gets the knock value and other values of gameplay from all losers.


If a player draws the last card from the stock and the next player cannot knock by taking the cards from the discard, the game ends. Each player scores the value of the cards remaining in hand. The player who gets the highest score is a winner. The losers must pay the values of gameplay to the winner according to the arrangement of losing point levels: lose less, lose medium and lose more.

 Drawing the highest card

4.  Before gameplay, the highest card must be drawn to select a seat.

5.  The player who gets the highest card has the right to select a seat. The lower hand seated to the dealer' s right, the lowest to the dealer's left.

6.  Draw the highest card for every 1 hour and 30 minutes if fool discard does not happen.

7.  Next drawing the highest card, if the right hand is the same seat, draw again.


8.      At first game, the player who gets the highest card is a dealer.

9.      The next game, the knocker is the dealer.

10.     If the stock pile run out, the player next to the last player who draws the last card is the dealer.

11.     The dealer shuffles a deck and offers the player to the dealer's right to cut the deck before dealing. If no players make a cut, the dealer is the cutter.

12.     The dealer deals the cards face down, starting with the dealer, one at a time, counterclockwise, 7 cards each, then turns the next card from the deck face up as the Head card.

13.     Misdealing, more or less than 7 cards, accidentally dealing face up makes the game end, the re-deal passes to the player to the dealer's right. 

14.     If the fool discard happened, the knocker and the fool thrower must switch their seats before dealing.


15. Draw one card from the stock pile.

16. Touch the stock pile, must draw a card.


17. Do not show cards to other players.

18. Show a card to collect, must collect that meld.

19. Show a card to discard, must discard that card.


  20. After drawing or collecting a card, discard one card on the discard pile to end the turn. The card discarded cannot be taken back.

  21. Discard the fool card, the thrower must pay double the fool value to the knocker and pay round the fool value to the other two players.

  22. Discard the card close to the Head, the close thrower must pay the Head value for all the players to the player who can pick up the Head within a turn.

  23. Discard the Speto defensive card close to the Speto or discard the Speto close to the Speto defensive card, the thrower must pay the Speto for all hands to the player who can pick up the Speto within a turn, and must pay not only the Speto but also the Head value if the discard close to the Head.

  24. Discard the Speto defensive card, the thrower must pay the Speto value for all the players to the player who can pick up the Speto defensive card and put down the Speto meld within a turn and if the Speto defensive card is the fool card, the thrower must pay round the fool and the Speto hold value for all hands to the knocker.

  25. If two players discard the consecutive card close to Head, or Speto  defensive card, both must pay the Head or Speto value for all players to the picker.

  26. Discard a card to form a full meld or discard a dummy card, the thrower must pay round the full meld or dummy value to all the players or not to pay the full meld or dummy if no players call out that discard within a turn. 


  27. Place one or two cards face up to take the cards from the discard pile for melds, every card above the card picked must be taken. Use one card to collect the close cards.

  28. If a player picks a card, he is forced to take that card.

  29. Collect the cards for melds only once.

30. Do not collect the Speto defensive card to make Speto become the dummy except putting down the Speto or knocking.

31. When the stock pile is used up, the player next to the last player cannot collect the cards, if not knock.

 Putting down

32. In dark gameplay, the player cannot put down a full meld. After collecting, the player is entitled to put down melds.

33. In light gameplay, the player can either put down a full meld or lay off a card without further dummy added, or called putting down dead melds or laying off dead dummy, at his turn.

34. In case of the stock pile remaining more than 3 cards before discarding, if a player puts down a meld or lays off a card with further dummy added or called a live meld or a live dummy and there is another player add dummy and knock, the live dummy layer must pay the total value to a knocker.

35. In case of the stock pile remaining less than 3 cards before discarding, the player can put down a full meld to beat an opponent without paying the total value to a knocker.

36. A player gets the Speto value when putting down the Speto melds or lay off 2♣ 3♣ or J♠ Q♠.

37. Put down only the meld collected. If a run meld has a live dummy, hold that live dummy.

38. Melds put down cannot be taken back.

39. Do not put down melds or lay off dummy after discarding.


40. Dark knock with seven dummy cards is not allowed. At least one full meld is required.

 41.  If a player discards the fool card, a knocker must knock from the fool thrower, not from linking with other melds.

42. A knocker cannot cry out for knock after discarding on the discard pile.

 Holding Speto

 43. Any players who hold Speto, two of clubs, or queen of spades,if not knock, must pay round the Speto double to all the players.

 44. Knocking with Speto melds, Speto dummy, or Speto face down in hand, the knocker gets double the Speto hold value.

 45.  Knocking with Speto pick up, the knocker gets the Speto value, not double.    


46. The cards have point values as follows:

        2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9       5 points each except 2♣  50 points

        10, J, Q, K                 10 points each except Q♠  50 points

        A                            15 points each

47. Melds or dummy cards on the table are positive points. Cards in hand are negative points. Count the total negative points and subtract from total positive points.

 Arranging the levels of losing points

48. A knocker is always a winner and get the gameplay values, the losers count the value of the cards remaining in hand to arrange the levels of losing points: lose less, lose medium, lose more.

49. If there is no knocker, each player scores points. The player who scores highest point is the winner, the second highest points are arranged to lose less, the lower points to lose medium and the lowest points to lose more. 

50. In any games, if both players have the same highest points, they score equal point from other losers, in this case both losers are arranged to lose more and medium. If three or four players have the same highest points, drawing the highest card is used to select a winner and to arrange the levels of losing points.

51. Dark sleepers, light color sleepers and light color fool discarders arranged to lose more.

52. Only one light game player discards the fool card to a dark knocker arranged to lose less.

53. Either of two light game players discard the fool card to a dark knocker arranged to lose medium, discard the fool between them arranged to lose less.

54. Either of three light game players discard the fool card to a dark knocker arranged to lose more, discard the fool among them arranged to lose medium.

55. All of light game players discard the fool card each other arranged to lose more, the rest of them arranged to lose less or lose medium.

56. If both losers have the same points, they must be arranged to lose more or medium, or lose medium or less by facing up the Head card: black or red card, in the next game. To draw thisin case neither of them are not dealers, the first loser next to the dealer set as black, the

other as redin case either of them is a dealer, the dealer is black, the other is red. When the black card faced up and match the black setting loser, he could pay at the lowest payment.

57. If three losers have the same points, draw the highest card to arrange the levels of losing points, the loser who gets the highest card arranged to lose less, the lower card to lose medium and the lowest card to lose more.

Paying the values of gameplay

58. Before playing, the players must agree the level of gameplay and the level of losing points as follows:

Level of gameplay

Level of losing points

Lose less

Lose medium

Lose more





Kotra Zian




Kotra of Kotra Zian





59. The values of gameplay, getting or losing, players must pay separately, including Head, Speto, knock, fool, dummy, dummy discard, full meld discard, close discard, faced down dummy knock, and faced down Speto knock, all the values are at the level of losing medium. One card discarding can cause the thrower pay three values of gameplay each such as dummy, full meld, and fool.

60. Holding Speto or facing down Speto knock in hand is worth double at losing medium level.

61. Collecting a Head card and knocking with Speto hold in hand is worth triple at losing medium level.

62. Discarding the fool card, the discarder pays the fool double at the rate of losing medium to the light knocker, pays four times to the dark knocker, eight times to the light color knocker and sixteen times to the dark color knocker.

63. The fool discarder must pay the fool round the table at the rate of losing medium to two players in light knock gameplay, pay double in dark knock, four times in light color knock and eight times in dark color knock.

64. Dark knock or dark sleep scores double at the level of losing points, light color knock or light color sleep scores four times, dark color knock or dark color sleep scores eight times.

65. The face to face value is at the rate of losing more. The dark sleep is face to face the dark knock, the dark sleeper pays four times to the dark knocker, pays eight times to the light color knocker and sixteen times to the dark color knocker. More face to face values include:

          ♠ The light color sleep is face to face the light color knock, the light color sleeper pays sixteen times to the light color knocker.

♠ The dark color sleep is face to face the light color knock, the dark color sleeper pays thirty-two times to the light color knocker.

♠ The light color sleep is face to face the dark color knock, the light color sleeper pays thirty-two times to the dark color knocker.

♠ The dark color sleep is face to face the dark color knock, the dark color sleeper pays sixty-four times to the dark color knocker.


66. The knock value, all the losers must pay knock value at the rate of losing medium to the light knocker, pay double to the dark knocker, pay four times to the light color knocker and eight times to the dark color knocker.


67. The total value, the player must pay every value of gameplay for all hands to the knocker as follows:

               ♠ The player discards the card close to the last card on the discard pile and makes the right player who holds two cards pick them up and knocks for example the last card is 3♠ a player throws 3♥ the right player has 3♣ and one card.

               ♠ The player discards the card close to the card above the last card on the discard pile and makes the right player who holds one card pick them up and knocks for example the last card is 5♥ the card above the last card is 8♣ a player throws 7♣ the right player holds one card 9♣ pick and knock.

               ♠ The player discards the card close to the last card on the discard pile and makes the opposite player who holds one card picks them up and knocks.           

               ♠ In case of the stock pile remaining more than 4 cards before discarding, the player who puts down a full meld or layoff with further dummy can be added, or called putting down live melds, must pay all the total values of gameplay for all the players to the knocker who adds dummy to the meld or layoff - the total values of gameplay include three levels of losing points, the knock value and other values such as the fool, the Speto hold, the faced down dummy knock.

               ♠ In any turns, the player who lays off the card to the sequence that can be extended, or called laying off live dummy, must pay all the total values of gameplay for all the players to the knocker who adds dummy to the layoff.



68. On the first turn to play, the player who shows two Speto cards - two of clubs and queen of spades - at his turn before drawing or collecting cards, he will get double the Speto value from all the players for example the Speto shower receives 200 x 2 = 400 from each.



69. On the first turn to play, if there is someone can knock before the player who is going to show two Speto cards at his turn, unfortunately, the Speto holder must pay round four times the Speto value to all players for example Speto worth 200 each, the Speto holder pays 400 (per one Speto) x 2 (two Speto) = 800 to each.



70. Any players make the following mistakes must be fined as agreed: misdeal, illegally knock and all cards are revealed to all players, unable to make a meld after picking up cards, and the game ends.


Thai Knock Dummy Rules are specially designed for all dummy or rummy lovers by Boonchai Saringkhansiri, President of Dummy Club.